eee filing


DSC07910DSC07889DSC07882just finished the torture
my eeee filing is done…must pay the balance of RM255 soon
a lot you know
as for me In a nutshell…e filing is actually about plannning my yearly spending
books…must buy to the nmakximum amount of RM1000…then the insurance pendidikan dan perubatan…then
derma and hadiah…must put more on these and keep the receit of course…aha for 7 years..u know
and also the zakat of course…
Huh lets see a few pictures to release tensions
Last time when I have no money I feel like to have all these
but now When I am richhhh..haha
I only window shopping
so I just found that aalll the windows are awesome and beautiful and I dont think of the inside
Now no matters at all…coz when u have a rich heart then I am super duper rich..

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